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Prompt 2.

When I first play your game, the interface is very clear. It mentioned how many brushes you have and how many colors you provided. However, when I start drawing, it shocked me. The default brush which is brush 1 is very interesting. It is just like a very soft brush that can provide a feeling of a drop of water, or a meteor falling from the sky slowly. The default brush let me feel a kind of the beauty of the real world, for example, a water drop becomes bigger and bigger and drops on the ground. As a result, when I play this game, I tried to combine the game with my thought, like doing a painting that can show the rain to show the beauty of rain. However, there is one thing that is limited for me which is that I cannot change the size of the brush. Besides, the default size of the brush is a little bit big, and the canvas is a little bit small which constrain my thought to some extent. As a result, when I try to draw the painting about the rain, it can only use a giant water drop each time which is strange to some extent. The water drops during the rain do not always have the same size. Besides, setting a normal line as a default brush could help me to construct a setting well because the square is limited as well. The line can use to more places and do well for the game and provide a perfect painting.