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flicker would certainly like this XD

Pft-Oki do you wanna start or me? 

you startt


Vivienne was sitting in an armchair across from Flicker, knees to her chest as she squirmed nervously, picking at the chair and looking away from Flicker 

"Just...what we talked about, Ok? J-Just to help with my anxiety-"

flicker: mhm

"O-Ok...s-so do we do this....?" 

She looked up at Flicker

flicker grabs her stopwatch and she swings it back n forth

flicker; focus on the watch...

Vivienne let her eyes wander from left to right, following the gentle sway of the watch 

flicker: good girl.. focus on my voice and the watch, nothing else alright?..

Her body relaxed, sinking back into the chair. Her limbs felt weighted, eyelids heavy