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It gets kinda weird with payment stuff because I use the automated system over on Patreon. Last update has had over 100k downloads so managing those individually would have been a nightmare. So over on Patreon, the update is unlocked for anyone who donates $5 during the month the update releases in. That's my hub and the main place that I keep managed and updated. It's kinda like paying for that "episode" if you will. That being said, if you paid $5 for each episode, the entire game gets really expensive and I'm not onboard with that so that's another reason that I release it for free 3 weeks later. But the donations are also how I fund the project but you can see that's voluntary.

Over here, on itchio, it's different. The game is still free but it's not regulated like that and I have no way to release the update over here separately behind a paywall. Over here, you can download free but you have an option to donate-it's not required. I don't like the idea of putting the game behind a required paywall because I've vehemently opposed charging for the game. I've marketed the financial aspect as "donations" since I'm not able to release on a regular schedule.

So short story is, if you donated over on Patreon, during October, you'd unlock it. If you just donated over here, you wouldn't. If that's a concern of yours and you feel it's unfair, let me know and I can try and work with you. I'm not here to take money from people and financial contributions to the project are strictly voluntary. I will mention, i'm not sure how to refund over here on itchio if that was a concern, i've never had anyone ask. Patreon has an easy system in place for that. 

Hope that answers your question, if not, hit me up

Thx for the big explentation. Sad that i have to wait 3 weeks, I donated around may so i thought mayeb there was kind of record. Because you can click on the download and say that you've already paid than you need to fill in your email. And i thought with that you can also get it asap. But if it's to much wotk i understand and will just wait until it's free. Thank you