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(2 edits)

But the weird thing is, based on Gil's route day 7, Walter and Herbert became distant after the accident. Maybe neither Walter nor Herbert doesn't want to take responsibility for the accident?

And how in Mark's episode, he saw someone who looked like Walter even before Walter came to Highwell. Maybe Herbert knew their childhood friends now live Highwell (especially at Highwell University) and somehow convinced Walter's parents to let Walter move out to Highwell to make Walter remember the accident? 

edit: minor Gil's day 8 spoiler down below

This could explain the hooded figure on Gil's day 8, "This voice, is it really him??". Maybe it's Herbert trying to spy on Walter in case he remembers anything and takes the blame on Walter?

(again all of this is a wild guess lmao)

(2 edits)

My theory on Herbert and Walter's relationship is that Walter and Mark were best friends while Herbert was best friends with Mark's brother. Herbert blamed Walter for his best friend's death and that's what caused them to become distant. Now Herbert is sneaking around Highwell and messing with all the guys to possibly turn them against Walter or something like that for revenge. **Gil Day 8 Spoilers** 

If he is gonna turn them against Walter, he might tell Gil some unsavory truths about him to do so at the end of his Day 8. Though I'm p sure most of them are somewhat aware of that Walter's kinda "off" just from Mark and Parker getting worried and visibly upset when he tells them he was told he moved like he had some fighting experience.

ah, this makes more sense

I want to play Gil day 8 now even more since it pushed the backstory even more aaaaaaa