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This feels like the Kobyashi Maru, an unbeatable psychological scenario. 
Now if only I could be sneaky and reprogram the game so that I could win, I'd eat an apple, sit back and laugh at the guards.


You fool! In the process of doing that, you'd be overthrowing the hierarchy of the game's code to come out on top, thus putting you in line to be overthrown by... uh... me! Yes! If you overthrow my code, I will come to your house and overthrow you. Whatever that means. 

That's honestly an interesting comparison. I'm not aware of what a Kobyashi Maru is; I'll have to look into this. 

(1 edit)

Star Trek Reference! It's a 'no win scenario' tactical training simulator that Kirk rigged by changing the programming xD

Oh, hah, that explains it all! Heh.
Thank you for the elaboration. :>