Prompt 2: When first playing this game, I enjoy that there are other ‘automated’ bees flying around the borders of the canvas. While continuing to play and explore the options for drawing, such as the different sizes and shapes of the yellow honeycomb, I was quick to make the canvas messy. Thankfully, there is a clear canvas button, however, clearing the canvas also gets rid of the other bees, with no way of getting them back. Thus, something I would really want to do is have some way to add them back, or even further, add more than the original two. This way I could have an incomprehensible swarm of little bees all over the place, in which, I think, being able to create chaos would be fun. It is arguable that just being able to spawn endless bees would be destructive, offering no real addition to the actual drawing on the canvas, and perhaps even leading to the overall crashing of the program (though that is sometimes fun too), but, if things were to get too out of hand, the player could always use the clear button; but as a constructive thought, I would also want for the other bees to be able to place their own honeycomb as well, perhaps in unison with my own input, or even randomly, then it could feel that the player is part of a whole hive of bees that is working together to reconstruct their home. However, understandably, the implementation of these things is easier said than done.