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you wanna rp? 

Oo sure!

letme get my ocs

I just realize I only have one oc on this computer 😔

so funny story-that's kinda not-how I rpppp-cuz I'm weird and do things weird-I uhhhhhhhhh-maybe kinda sorta a little make plots. 

Ooo that sounds interesting so what do you have in mind then ? 

ummmmmm-so I have-kindaaa a lot-but imma show ya this one- 

"Bring me your undesirablessssss....your unwanted and from each village.....bring them to me." 

Four humans are sacrificed to a Naga, one from each village-North, South, East and West. Their fate is clear-to be eaten, devoured by the monstrous snake-man. And yet, upon finding themselves in the Naga's lair, it would seem that he's not all the villagers have claimed....maybe he's a kindred spirit. Maybe he's an undesirable just like them.

DAMN That sound cool



so do youuuu wanna be a snek boi?