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Just readed the Dev Log for This month (on Patreon public post...)

First thing I'm gonna say: about the Patreon reward for the special episode, before you finish reading my comment: I'M NOT Against, or expressing hate, just that's a Odd choice, read all before assuming that you know what I said.

Second thing: my comment has more than that, so really, read it fully (if you're reading my comment ofc)

It's just kinda "frustrating" (understandable, bus still) that the special episode (that you can see clearly that will have stuff that we are waiting for (hehehe horny)) will be just for Patreon... Lmao

Don't get me wrong, I completely agree that patreons must have a advantage for paying, for helping Andy to bring THIS MASTERPIECE for us for free, and I do thanks them (I mean, they're the ones who are making possible for Andy to work on the game and give us this amazing VN and with such high quality, so yeah, thank you patrons for being so nice ๐Ÿฅบ). I have no financial condition to help, even tho I really wanted to (yeah, living in a country that economy sucks is a bitch, this and the "no international Credit Card" stuff...). But I must say that releasing a special episode for Patreon only in Christmas is kinda teasing to everyone... LMAO

I just hope that eventually (even that a year later (lol)) we get to read it / or we receive a spicy update for the routes soon, that... works as well... XD

And the new character seems so funny! I know that it's hard to do a route for every character in the game, but Logan and Blaid... And Braum... Gordon... Brock.... and so many others...

Andy, can't you do special scenes with every Side character later? ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ (If you caught my drift...) 

How can even the secondary characters in this game have so much charisma??? The talking about Brock in Mark's day 8 really left me thinking that would be fun to see a scene with all those characters...

(Again, I'm not against Andy doing Patreon exclusive rewards, by the opposite, I hardly agree with it, I just said that the release was kinda teasing bc of the date lol)

(And as a spoiler: if you don't read til Mark day 8, go away, it's a pretty big spoiler, but I can say without giving context, so... Yes for the threesome...) Lmao

Thank you for the hard work Andy!  Waiting anxiously for Gil day 8! ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ (And the upcoming updates... Lewd when? XD)

It's just my opinion, as my guess, I dont think that Andy would  keep that Lars especially episode only Patreon forever. I'm sure that someday, he will release that as public... Again I understand your financial situation my dude, but if I was to be Andy right now, I'll cherish every moment of people who coming here just to leave position comments for his hard work. M sure if he happened to see this, that would boost his mood on continuing his hard and incredible work.

Also I think there's going to be a side story for each characters. There's no way he's gonna have everybody with that blank headshot on the bottom left in main menu screen. ๐Ÿ˜

p.s. sorry, English is not my main but I'm glad I was be able to understand the language and enjoy this VN. Very very grateful... ๐Ÿฅฐ

hehehe Indeed!

I was actually pretty scared to people to not understand my point... Glad that wasn't the case ๐Ÿ˜‚

I hope he release those special episodes updates later for public, and at the same time I do understand the Patreon only as well (again, it's still fair for those who can support with money XD)

Also, it seems that the Parker and Gil episodes (the common ones) will be arriving soon (since in the last build they appeared but it's still not available with a "this episode is not released yet" or something like this)

And I'm excited to the common episodes (that we have 2 already), and extremely excited for the special bonus episodes, like this one hehe

Also, no worries pal! Your English is great! I'm not a native speaker as well, so sometimes there will be a lack of words, that's common lmao keep practicing and you'll be developing it a lot XD