It did get kinda repetitive, you run out of options and earn money very quickly, you can see In M2W4 I already gotten the max level TV. I did not have enough time to finish it though :( , IT is a very fun game and very funny.
some concerns I saw in the making xD
( I included the max article words in 2:44 ) :3
sometimes the fan clips through when making the article ( idk if its just me ) ( 6:09? )
the telephone call gets pretty repetitive pretty quickly, right after you publish BOOM.
I can abuse the ez reputation and go back publishing with higher publishers -> idk if this is intended since time moves fast.
since we are a freelancer with no benefits, maybe have some consequences so we can use the money in other way?
Although it is far from done, It would be an awesome game when fully released!! I was kinda planning to make another vid out of it actually xD.