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(1 edit)

First of all, this was my first time playing/seeing one of theses and now I don't think I can get this out of mind. The characters, the story, the drama i love it all. I can't believe how accurate you got these characters like Zack reacts the same way I would and  is way to relatable. The only thing I found that i was missing was for Braden to catch Zack in the act. And chapter 9 for what ever ending you chose was unbelievable and suspenseful. Can't wait for the next chapter and final release so I can replay scenario to see how the story evolves. Also wondering waht wil happen in next up coming scenes ;)


glad you enjoyed the ride <3

Stay tuned. Hoping to get the next update out in October for Patreons so it would be free over here sometime in November *cross fingers*