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You made it!
I mean, you didn't beat the game yet, but you've made a great video! :D

The "teleport" feature is not actually what it seems (although it would have been a neat mechanic).
That's just a script that was supposed to unstuck you in case you got pushed inside solid objects, but sometimes it behaves in unpredictable ways; I'm definitely not using that script in the next game.

Also, watching your playthrough I've learned something new about how to pass tips and useful informations to the player.
As a general rule, in Their Eyes is a good idea to talk to anybody who isn't trying to kill you, and listen carefully to what they say.
Bullets are rare (at least until you meet a certain character), and an ammo pack provides three of them (four, if you're playing in casual mode - which isn't so casual, beware!); so you should avoid to collect ammo packs if you're missing just one bullet or two.
Don't hurry: explore carefully and thoroughly.
Don't waste your time, either: three chimes to the night, remember?

Well, I really hope you will play again.
I'm so glad you liked the game! :)