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I do not know. I tried to export the project to my laptop and it works there. I have no idea where is the problem with your editor. 

I may try creating a package that you will be able to import to a project as an external asset. Maybe that way it will work.

okay. i hope it works. i don't know either. for some reason the scene was laser rage in a big square yellow colored box. it had the enemy types of spiders and snakes but for some reason it didn't feature the cool shape you made that allows the spiders to bend in the new structure. the controller couldn't aim and shoot. i had to find the menu screen and when i did controller input didnt work to choose and play the different modes. and i couldn't use audio controller to import songs and add cause there wasn't an audio controller to use in it. it wasn't possible to import songs in the prefab for music. something was blocking it. i'll go for anything that works. i just want to be able to add new music into the game and showcase this game with new music added on my page. can you configure audio controller to show on there and work? cause with audio controller in inspector i could import new songs and add them into the game in a webgl build.