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I just got done playing the Ash path, and I must say it's quite interesting.  If played right, I would label it more like a powerplay relationship rather than domination.  Back to back teetering of power, but in a caring way.  I will have to run through the other paths but I couldn't stop but take a beautiful canvased beauty as my first pick.  her story... all I gotta say s grab your floaters and life jackets.  You're going to need em.

As for the game itself, first, the intro song.  Never change it!  It's beautiful, and it fits the game perfectly.  Next, I hit the end of EP 8 and I felt a pit in my stomach knowing it was about to end, and when it did... I sat down and listened to the intro again.  The only big downside, and in many ways also an upside, is if you chose Ash, you miss out on quite a lot.  But, it makes a lot of sense to do so.  I love how choices Truly do matter, and not just "yeah it's just filler"  The characters are all great, so much depth, you feel as if you are actually talking to real people, well as real as games without immersive AI goes, something we don't have the tech for.  Every character has some true emotion.  

Needless to say I can't wait till Ep 9, who knows... maybe some doctor life paths may come to play.  She seems like she would be quite fun to toy with, just like Em.