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"The worst pirate adventure ever" is a massively misleading tagline -- you handled all the pirate-y tropes with aplomb, and did so in a fun, breezy adventure. 

Strangely enough, we both incorporated a chicken-that's-not-really-a-chicken in our games, complete with "bo(r)k!"s and "cluck" puns. O_O I must bow down to your pun mastery, though. It's just hit after hit! The "scarrybean" and the esteemed Dr. Jungle were my personal favorites.

Speaking of hit after hit: That soundtrack bangs! I'd be right at home with the murmurmaids, 'cuz that boss music was a solid slab of metal, but your whole project makes great use of cool, location-appropriate tunes, which I appreciate a lot.

I don't have the brain power to crack the code and finish the game, but the 4 islands I visited were really fun. Really good job on this!