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Hi devs,

Just a suggestion in terms of the audio immersion. It would be great if there can be more radio chatter among the pilots in the game to give that sense where we are not just flying against machines, but rather "people" with characters. I've included my video here to see if this idea sits well (I used the AC0 soundtrack in this video, please don't sue me)

Also I find it a little anti-climatic when you do a head-on fly pass with another fighter and there isn't an audible jet roar. The jet roars would really give it a sense of immersion and chaos as the air battle rages on.

Other than that, the game is really looking good and I'm enjoying it. The difficulty level of enemy fighters in conquest is just to my liking . The difficulty of the enemy airships leave a little to be desired. Perhaps the guns on the airship do a little more damage?