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Solving the first level of the game first started with me figuring out the rules and goal of the game. My first instinct was to move the cursor into the plus shaped slot it fits into as it just looked right. After realizing that it was part of the puzzle but not all of it, I moved towards the boxes to see what would happen. I realized that the boxes could be pushed and started moving them around to see what would happen. After seeing the boxes overlap with the tiles they seemed to fit on, I realized one of my boxes was stuck in a corner and I didn’t know how to push it out. Moving around near it made me discover another essential rule, boxes could be pulled. When the boxes could be pushed and pulled onto the “target” tiles I then tried to move my cursor into the plus shaped slot and then understood the goal of the game. The intermediate progress steps I discovered were how things seemed to “fit” in place. The game does not obviously show the goal of the game but rather hints at it using the colors. I spent an embarrassingly long amount of time trying to fix a box being stuck in a corner before I discovered the ability to pull the box. I thought another solution would be if the black boxes could be pushed or pulled into the enveloping outlined boxes. Upon realizing that the black small boxes do not move, I realized only one solution existed.