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(3 edits)

Good game. A bit janky, I find that each faction has a mechanic that is kind of insanely OP, so you are in a bit of a game of who can use their janky mechanic first to win the fight. For example I recently played a game on Hardcore + where I was doing very well with Decay, which is considered OP due to necromancy mechanics to turn dead enemies into weak troops for yourself. After killing a massive Order stack with roughly 60% of my entire force wiped out despite necromancy, I faced a small stack of Lament. Lament cast a hex spell on my main force- roughly 100 Boneshooters, which is basically the same as wiping them out as they just derp forward as frogs then get slaughtered. On another occasion the enemy faction had a single unit hitting me with burn that I was unable to target specifically as it was in the middle of a pack of other units, that one burn propagating through my mass archers killed like 80 archers over the course of the round. On the flip side I can play Lament myself or get Hex or Burn through other means but it still seems a bit too much like I'm in a nuclear war and it's all about who gets the first strike with their insanely OP spell and the armies are nearly irrelevant. 

I have a weird issue where my C drive gets maxed out when playing this game. I have 4 GB/ 100 GB available on my C Drive and most of my games/ files are on a separate Drive which has 500 gb available. The game files are in my D drive.

I'll notice mid game/ late game mid fight that my FPS drops to like 2. I check my C drive and I have 100 mb left. When I quit the game the 4 GB space comes back.

My PC has 8 gb RAM which seems to be insufficient for this game. I'm playing all new released games on high settings no problem.