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Level three of the Horizontal Sokoban game was the most interesting level to me, solely because of the fact that there was a step to get to the goal. The levels previous to this one had the player just go down some steps to reach the goal. However, this level presented a challenge that caused me to overthink a bit at first. As someone who occasionally plays games on the computer, I am used to using the spacebar to make the characters jump, which is why that was my first reaction to the step. Contrary to my initial expectations, this did not work out as I had planned. My next instinct was to press “W” to see if the character would go up. This also did not work out as I had planned, which is not surprising when thinking about the limited controls within the game engine. My final choice was to press “D” to continue forward, and it ended up being the control that would finally allow me to go up the step. While this was a case of me overthinking the controls for the game, I appreciated that the game allowed me to think in advance about which choices I would be able to make to progress forward in such a simple yet deceiving level. Overall, this level took me around 2 minutes to complete due to me fiddling around with the controls. Looking back, there was definitely one approach to solving the level, but overthinking the level made it more difficult.