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DAY 29

So for the past 2 days I've been working on the Wall Running mechanic. Today I've finished it, but so far, the mechanic proved to elude successful functioning. The player character doesn't wall run when it's supposed to wall run... big surprise, huh? 

What's funny is that for the most part of the scripting, I was worried that I've messed up the camera tilt or that the player won't attach to the wall. Well, this was indeed a big surprise but those 2 work perfectly. Camera Tilt is tilting correctly on both left and right side of the player and the character attaches both on walls on it's left and on it's right. The problem that it really never occurred that it will happen is that he simply jumps but doesn't wall run. 

Wall run speed is definitely defined, I've double checked. All nodes are linked together, so there's no "oh, so it didn't worked because the blueprints were not hooked up" problem that is so often present. Everything else works except the wall run itself....

I have a suspicion is has to do with the First Person Character blueprint, but I will check that tomorrow. It's 3AM here (it's "really, really late" o'clock). 

No screenshots today, hopefully tomorrow I'll make this work and give you guys a GIF or a clip. See ya in the next post, bye.