Hey guys I'm gonna do a thing cuz I'm bored and have too much free time on my hands-
Send me your favorite OC and a brief description of them.
I will make them a theme song.
hah. Her name is Mizuki.
#flirtyvillainthatalsohasterribletraumabuthidesitbecausetheythinkitmakesthemweakandalsohasterribleissuesandkillspeoplebecausetheydontknowhowelsetodealwiththembutalsodoesnttrustanyonebecausetheyvebeenstabbedinthebacktoomanytimes...*inhale*...alsohateseveryonebecausetheyveseenthatpeopleareactuallytrashandhaventnoticedthatsomeofthemarentbecausetheiruniverseismuchtootaintedwithbadthoughtsandselfhatred CHECKKKK
Name: ADHD
Nickname: Harper
Personality: chaotic, sweet, confused, loud, basically your normal person with ADHD, insecure, walking talking meme
Quotes: "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" "hi, welcome to chilies" "MEME SUPPLIES!! GET YOUR FREE MEME SUPPLIES!!" "hi thx for checking in I'm still a peace of garbage :,)"