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ah, so the tileset itself contains independent images for each tile? Or did you splice those back together into a more compact document?

Perhaps it's not the correct place to discuss about it, but it seems that godot compile all the tiles in one hidden atlas when doing a tileset I've got to ask to a godot guru on discord to be sure.

in the meantime would you be willing to share your script?

(1 edit)

The script is too big for the comment section so :

excellent! Thanks I'll take a look

@Casual Garage Coder

Id be super grateful if you could go into more detail on how I can get this working in Godot... 

If you wouldn't mind sharing your final Tileset That would be overwhelmingly amazing!

I want to use this tile map so bad!

In fact, my first approach was the wrong one. Godot has an integrated tileset building tool.

yeah but I can't get it to support diagonals