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It does. That's its old preferences path, which I'm taking out now. The sigsegv is immediate? It could be that the thing is trying to re-create that old path.

Thank you Chonki


Also, but it may absolutely be a red herring: I tried to launch the game with some program called 'ProcessActivityView', which tells what files are opened / modified by a program (which is how I found the AppData thingy), and the Textures path looks all wrong: 

(some path)\Windows 10+\Resources\Textures\ orsie.png
(some path)\Windows 10+\Resources\Textures\ iny triangle fill.png

and so on for every files in Textures: the first letter is missing from the path.

Keep in mind that
  - It could be a bug in the software I used to test that, I don't know how reliable it is
  - It was produced by the same executable that worked the first time.

So potentially a red herring.

This must be a ufo. If one file had failed to load, it would attempt to put up a dialog (which presently crashes SDL) and exit. But thank you for looking into this.

I'll get a fresh release out tonight.


Works for me, now :)