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(My notification section doesn't work anymore XD)

"Well you see......2 years later he died in car crash....."


"oh... that's terrible. I'm sorry."

"oh no it's fine,anyways..I better get going.." Charlie said as she picked up her book put it in the bag "bye!" she said and went to her house




THE NEXT DA-wait a sec are we in college or job?XD


Ok the next day Charlie was standing outside her new college,"so this is the college I've been transferred to" she says as she walks into the building with all the  dorms "ok,let's find my dorm......102? Ok .....101......102!"she knocks on the door and asks "is anyone here?"

Alex opens the door and looks at Charlie surprised

"oh. Hey."

"hi- I didn't expect you to be my dormate XD" she said as she walked in "ima unpack"