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(Pffft /3)

There wasn't really anything interesting in her personal office, i mean while yes it was very decorative, not a whole lot to do, the cold wind gently blew through the air around her...and the little goosebumps formed on her arm :> 

She shivered and looked around for a sec, not seeing anything as she went back to work, she was wearing a nice suit jacket but under that was a black dress that was very very fitting to her figure, which wasn't perfect but she recently had been working out.

The window's drapes fluttered around a little, something about the way they moved was...odd but that could just be the air, yet something did stand out to seemed as if the painting on her walls eyes had...changed

She then turned her head to the windows and got up, walking over to them, her heels clicking. Once she got there she closed them, swiping a piece of hair out of her face that slowly drooped back to the frame of her face.

"Hm..well, today must be a very windy day.."

Her voice was a bit soothing but not as much, it was just quiet like she said that to herself which she did. Though...We all know who else heard it.

(1 edit)

"My oh my it must be, And I thought it was just me!"

A voice spoke sound quite deep, not like corpses lol, but just...deep-ish, it sounded as if it was coming From the room she was in...but she couldn't find Where the voice came from...and yes, yes we do..

"Ahhhhh-I recognize that deep voice from anywhere..but..I don't see you lucifer~.."

She chanted out, she smirked a little..know look dear..she didn't necessarily like his visits, but she sure as hell didn't hate em'..~

He laughed and soon was visible sitting at one of the leather chairs, hands behind his head

"Aww, have you finally noticed my voice darling~? I assume you know what im going to ask, yes?"

"Yes-Yes I have Lucifer..though, I don't really have a clue what your gonna ask cause you ask for something different every is it this time?"

She said, turning around, slouching her body on the window, her weight being put onto the ledge of it, her arms crossing a little, she looked a bit curious. 

"Ahh yes, of course, i do tend to change it quuuite often, well! Have you ever wondered why your stocks and profits have been going down?"

He held out his hand and a something like a scroll rolled down, showing the loses she had suffered lately

" haven't noticed that- the hell are you getting at and why are-who the hell-have you been taking my money or something?"