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sorry  i think i may have commented twice on the same thing but my pc turned off as i replied so i apologise if you see me asking twice, i downloaded v0.3.16 however upon loading the game it says i have conquered all available fiefdoms in version 0.2 and i have to wait for o.3 to be released, which it is as i have downloaded the latest version, also upon visiting nahir in the palace it gives me a error screen which i have to click the ignore option as rollback closes the game down, i also see tinpingia as available to conquer but it has no ruler and 90 troops ( mine caps at 70 meaning i literally cannot win ) is this a known bug right now or will i have to restart my game? the pregnancy feature works me with angilia  though so right now im just so confused any help you could prove would be greatly appreciated.

(1 edit)


I think this mess might have been caused by old saves. This solution helped: Delete all the files both from C:\Users<your_username>\appdata\roaming\renpy\khan- and from

the game's root\game\saves.

Then try a new game. You can use Skin 'n Win to skip infiltration missions you already played so it will not take you too much time to replay what you already played.

fixed it thank you! great update! i know its a lot of work but hopefully in some future update we could see/ raise the babys, other than that loved this update and the ending :O ( SPOILER IF ANY ELSE READS THIS ) B surely is still working for our mother and at any point could betray us or if not him who else i cannot wait to play 0.4 once again keep up the amazing work! <3

Glad you liked it! Feel free to give the game 5 stars so others will see how good it is :)

Done <3