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release for mac please

I am sure a mac will not have a GPU good enough for this game. RTX3060Ti  running almost full power for this game

It runs flawlessly through wine (on Linux at least), so you could give that a go.

Me: maybe I'll try to see if it works like that

System: you cannot run "marble marcher.exe" because windows files are not supported on Mac.

Me: W̴̥͐H̷̢̃Y̴̡̐ ̸̖̈́C̵̱͑À̷̘N̴̨̽'̵͈͂T̶̘̈ ̴̭̓L̴͓̀I̸͗ͅF̵̪̎Ë̷̳́ ̸̖̈́J̶͙̾Ȗ̴̢S̵̹̍T̷̘͝ ̶̩̈B̴̖̅Ḙ̶̕ ̶͓͝N̶̖̽Ȍ̵̞R̴̞͌M̷̞̆Â̴͔L̵̩͠ ̸̗͘F̴̢̍O̴̳̎R̵͕̀ ̵̨͗O̷͚͗N̴̺̓Ĉ̶͇