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(1 edit)

Day five was meant to be a light day, mostly because I had a work shift in the afternoon. Despite animating and implementing kicks getting pushed to day five I still felt I could complete both that and a stamina and health bar system. I thought that as I already had a knock back system implementing kicking would be simple. I was wrong. In the morning I finished animating kicking and moved on to fixing a minor bug. It ended up being a simple fix, but for whatever reason I had just broken the knock back system. I couldn't finish it as I had to go to work so I had to leave it for when I got back

Back from work and ready to start jamming again. Well, not quite. I was tired after work and only managed to fix the knock back system before going to bed. This is the second time I've had to push back the health/ stamina system, leaving me only two days in the schedule to complete basic systems including inventory, main menu, pause/ save, map and quests. Looks like I'm going to have either no content or no polishing/ play testing time at the end of it. Even though I only work one-shift a week on a low skill job as I'm still a student (I don't understand how people working full time can jam) I had practically no energy left to make something. All in all, what I managed to do was just:

  • Animate kick
  • Fix minor graphical bug
  • Break and then fix knock back system