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I played the game! 

In terms of improvements, the most frustrating thing for me was actually getting the character through doorways. I had to turn him around a lot to try to get the correct positioning to go through doors or narrow areas. I also couldn't tell if I was actually hitting enemies sometimes. I couldn't tell when I was getting hit either other than the dropping of health. Maybe a knockback animation would help here.

I thought the story was intriguing, and the overall pacing was good. I especially liked the school and lighthouse. There are enough things in the environment to foreshadow what might be to come in the story. I also liked the music.

Not sure if this is an issue, but since the kid had a picture of a rabbit, I tried releasing the tutorial bunny in the house, but I released the rabbit and picked up the picture at the same time, so I got kicked out and that rabbit is now trapped forever. It's a good thing there's an extra bunny. I do feel slightly betrayed that I got kicked out when I gave the kid a real rabbit.