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DAY 24

Another small update in which I call PARTIAL SUCCESS!!! I got the rope to a "barely working" status again. And here is a GIF of it in action: (note to self: learn how to add GIFs in a forum post)

Of course, this isn't it's final form, I'm barely halfway in to fixing it and bring it into a fun state. It was a lot more of a hassle than I thought it would be, because it's more interconnected than I thought: there's a lot of stuff to add in the first person character blueprint that needs to communicate with the rope blueprint placed in the world. Had some small hiccups here and there: I knew I had everything hooked up in the first person character's movement blueprints, but the character wasn't swinging. Turns out there was a boolean variable missing that I forgot to add (an IsHanging? bool).

Small update in devlog content, but I spent a lot of time on this. Will probably update when I get this in a state as close to the final as possible. See ya in the next post, bye.