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hey I'm having a problem where there's a ball in front of my face and I can't look around at the beginning of the game. Is that suppose to happen ?

sorry about that im looking into it right now.


And Also There's no Start Screen to Begin the Game

omg im so sorry, that was the main menu screen and somehow got screwed up.  just redownload the file and it will be fixed. uploading it to itch as of 12:25pm gmt.. again very sorry about that it was working when i uploaded it to itch....


It's good my boy I'll have the gameplay out soon and thank you for the fix :)

(1 edit) (+1)

When I tried to Redownload it said  

Nothing is available for download yet.

uploaded finally, good to go.......

hopfully working now.

please let me know if there are any more issues.....