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Bro i stg my friend can be so toxic

So, my friend m has a boyfriend and he SUCKS he so manipulative and mean and all that shit. She can't see that, she won't accept that he is. And gets pissed whenever we try to talk to her about it, i don't like her boyfriend. I gave him like 5 chances and he's just overall a shit guy to be around. Now my other friend f has a boyfriend too, and he is like super dope, i actually like him a lot in a friendly sorta way. Now, the day before i met him, m told f's boyfriend he shouldn't meet me because i was going to hate him, just because her boyfriend is a peice of shit. And i was like wtf man, why would you say that and she just fucking denies the whole thing. Like dude, i don't have to hate everyone's boyfriend's just cos urs is a hot bag of piss, like. I can get why she'd maybe wanna warn him or whatever, it's the denying it bit thats pissing me off. Cos like im gunna find out if you say shit like that, im not even mad at her, i just want her to stop yk? And like every time her boyfriend comes up in convo (lets be clear i NEVER bring him up) she always says something like "if you're really my friend you'd accept him and give him another chance" like DUDE i accept you and your choice to date him, and i love You but that doesn't mean i have to like your boyfriend. And like she always goes to my friend f saying im so overdramatic for not liking her boyfriend as if i just parade around screaming about how much i dislike him. I bearly even talk about him, like she brings him up and i say "i don't like him, i don't have to. Can we be done now" but she just keeps going on and on and on about this shit im so frustrated with her. And  doesn't even know i know, like i could ask her about it but she's probably just gunna deny it again

(Screamshots v)