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Prompt 4: The text within this game is a crucial aspect in terms of how it plays. The sprite dialogue guides players by including the actions they need to follow after. Without the dialogue, it would’ve taken players much trial and error as there were strategic traps laid across the map. The amount the dialogue helps players increases as the game goes on. For example, the first map requires players to do more exploring. However, subsequent maps allow players to invite a companion to help them navigate through the field as the companion gives concise and easy to follow clues. The creator could’ve chosen to not include this part, but the use of dialogue truly allows for a smoother gaming experience. Players eventually know what to look out for when navigating the map to avoid the traps. In addition, there were some sprites that contributed to the world building of the game and added to the limited experience the game engine provides. One level that stood out was a map with a knight. The simple dialogue is effectively used to create a sense of panic. This created a parallel to childhood movies and shows where the main characters would have to escape castles, and by doing so, the world building was conveyed. Overall, dialogue was crucial in the game towards creating a more immersive playing experience. The design choices used through the dialogue were smoothly integrated in a way that made the gameplay have more depth despite the limitations of the platform.