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The colors in this game totally accurately predict the idea/theme the game is giving off. The game is called Moon and the coloring makes you feel as though you were in the sky and in space.They do this by using the bright yellow stars in contrast with the black dark background. When anyone looks at the sky you would expect yellow stars and black sky which is what the user did. The user also made the moon white which made sense! The yellow stars are used to kind of lead the user to where they are meant to go. The coloring makes this especially obvious because of the amount of contrast. The user being white as well also makes sense with the scheme. Not only is it aesthetic but it also largely contrasts the other colors of yellow and black. 

As you continue through the game, the color scheme changes. I thought this was a completely interesting choice. The colors change to a grey/white background with green stars and a red user. Although I’m not sure, the color scheme of this made me as a user of the game feel nervous. Red and green are contrasting colors which was an interesting choice, the bright red was stressing me out. The green items were still the obstacles but the user and moons were red. This made me frustrated because the coloring was highlighting an object I did not have access to. I think this was the creators intention.