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The rooms are organized such that the player/character has constricted movement and cannot explore every tile within the rooms. Many rooms are organized where the player can only move forward  if they speak to a certain sprite in the room. The player is then teleported from that location in the interior room to an outdoor location. In this outdoor location, the player can only go horizontally to the next interior location. This cyclical nature of room transitions creates an atmosphere of similarity between what the character has to do in each room. This helps the player get used to the game format in a faster way. Additionally, this will help the player to notice finer details in the game design since it is clear what the path forward is.

The rooms are also constructed in a linear format where the player can only go from room A to B and then C and so on. It is not an open world format where the player can go from room A to C. I believe that this restricted closed world format could work to showcase the restricted nature of immigration and how it is not an open world for immigrants but rather a narrow path that they must traverse in order to move forward. 

With transitions between rooms, the player is moved to a different location on the physical layout between the first room's exit and the second room's entrance. This could work to show the disjointed nature of immigration and how it is not a smooth and clean transition but rather a confusing change.