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This hiking game that the designer created focused on the experience of the preparations for hiking. The main stage of the game is at home, so the organization of those rooms became an important aspect. The game has two-way exits between the rooms and corridor, so that will make the game less linear and more open-formatted. The player can explore a room, go out, come back later and finish the exploration. To put multiple two-way exit in one corridor, the exits were located in the center of the doors, which did cause a bit trouble with going back in the exits again for multiple times. This kind of structure of the maps helps create a realistic view of a house, which has multiple rooms by the corridor, and a big living room at the end.

These transitions between rooms is within the house, so their are no big movements across space. The big movement comes in the final scene when the player gets out of the house and actually went hiking. The space suddenly went from inside the house to the view of the mountain. The real hiking part was rather simple, but that made the preparations part in the house more special. The designer has added many choices in the game to make this process more lively. For example, the player can go back to bed, and "sleep five more minutes", while restarting the game. There are also choices for the places you are going to hike, which is an item to take which will technically change the destination of the final scene.