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Vapor Trails

Heartfelt game about revenge (on Steam!) · By sevencrane

it's posible to evoque spikes from the ground?

A topic by Shauly_Noob created Sep 22, 2021 Views: 176 Replies: 2
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i was playing the recent version and i was trying to go to the Lauren's basement, well trying to trying to reach it, but the thing is in one of those tries i accidentally punch a little wall and spikes or trinches grown and just appear from the floor, and was similar to the lady of the lake attack, i'm curious about it cause, i can't replicate it anymore and it was so fast, i didn't know if val actually can do that normally, someone else can do it?, or someone can answer me? 


Try uppercutting twice? The wallclimb upgrade (Lady of the Lake claws) has an attack form, so that might be it. Also you have some LORE coming for you.


yep, this is it exactly