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Prompt 2:

The player in Persistence immediately gets introduced to an intricate castle, crafted from different types of tiles to make the larger image. The background of this game clearly was given lots of time and detail. In addition to the castle in the starting room, the background includes a hillside that’s hiding the pulsating sun. When the player escapes the castle through the use of a hidden rope, the style of the background changes quite drastically with a different color palette and overall theme. The houses in this second room seem to have been given less attention than the previous castle, which could indicate that the player is of high importance compared to those who reside on this street. While the houses in this room seem to be given less attention, the street the player walks down has a noticeably intricate tile pattern, that with its color, suggests it’s a mossy stone pathway. The room that the pathway leads to has the same color palette as its previous room. The tiles in the river move in a way that depicts a running river, although the other side of the river doesn’t seem to have been given that much attention. The sprites are very clear among other tiles, and clearly depict what they are. An aspect that bitsy makes difficult for this designer, is the walking animation. I imagine that the designer would have liked for the character to switch the way it’s facing depending on the direction it’s facing. Although it is a tad awkward to be walking backward sometimes, there is nothing the designer could have done to avoid this, as they are limited to bitsy’s constraints.