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(1 edit)

I feel like I'd want to do a more in-depth review after the story's been released in its entirety, but, for now, after two weeks of being unable to get this game out of my head, I want to say thank you.

Thank you for the long hours, stress, and effort you've put into this game. Thank you for creating something equal parts beautiful, magical, and so damn real. Thank you for putting into visuals the honest struggles that countless people are/have been dealing with on a regular basis, especially as a free download. Thank you for the balance of excitement, apprehension, and doubt throughout the meticulously-paced story that make those moments of payoff so much more worth it. Thank you for creating a compelling and authentic cast of characters, from their dialogue to their actions and thoughts, flaws and all. Thank you for introducing more genuine love in a market/world saturated with superficial bursts of lust.

And lastly, thank you for inspiring a fire of emotions (tears and all) within me that I've not felt in a long while, for crafting something that I've been craving out of media for years, and for showing me that I want to contribute to the world in a similar way.

I hope that the rest of development goes smoothly, and I'm so looking forward to what you have in store!

This  was a really sincere post and I really appreciated it. Made me smile so I'm going to return your list of "thank you's" by saying thank you for taking the time to be thoughtful and just checking in about it. two weeks is a long time to be quasi-haunted by a game so I'm going to take that as a compliment, especially for this genre. Things are progressing and I hope the next installment lives up to the hype. This post meant a lot so thanks again. seriously <3

Definitely intended it to be a compliment! The more a game consumes my life, the better it is, and the glow still hasn't faded, haha. So the least I could do was share how much of an impact it's made. <3

well, i really appreciate the time you took to do that so thank you :)