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(3 edits) (+2)

I suppose that's a fair point even though it's a bit weird from a game design perspective. Honestly I think having to struggle against it might a big part of my enjoyment of the game as well, even if I hadn't really thought of it like that until you mentioned it. Still, I do think an optional easy mode couldn't hurt, since it would be optional, but I don't know how much work actually making something like that would be so it might be more effort than it's worth.

I don't really want any dominant sex scenes in this game, both because I prefer a submissive role (as, I imagine, do many of your game's other fans) and you've kind of won me over to the "sex scene as punishment" design. Adding dominant scenes for winning a fight might detract from the appeal of having to struggle against the enemy somewhat, making it feel less like you're desperately fighting against being taken advantage of and more like you and the enemy are both DTF and just can't agree on who should be the dom.

Sorry for the somewhat presumptuous comment, and thanks for taking the time to respond to me. I'm looking forward to seeing what future updates of this game have in store.