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Prompt 2: Nest is a game that uses intricately designed tiles to create its virtual landscape.  When asked what objects are given the most attention it is difficult to answer because seemingly every tile in the game is well detailed and thought out.  This paints a clear picture in a pixelated virtual world.  The composure of the avatars is forcibly much more simplistic than the composure of the background.  This is simply a limitation of bitsy, as the tiled backgrounds have more pixels in total than do avatars.  This game really takes advantage of increasing resolution through the use of tiles.   The use of animation aids the player in better understanding the environment.  Animation lets the player feel the wind just by seeing the way the waves move on the pond and the way the tall grass sways back and forth. Animating the animals makes them feel more alive. All of this adds to the immersion of the player.  The designer takes advantage of reusing similar tiles throughout the landscape to give a sense of texture.  Rather than a plain green background, the player can physically see the grass, bushes, and flowers rather than having to imagine them.  Buildings and fences stand out in the natural environment and become a point of focus.  The sun off in the distance gives a sense of the time of day and adds to the panic of not being able to build the nest.  The color change also gives a sense of the differing times of the seasons and adds to the anxiety of the coming cold season.  Overall, the tile design of the game reinforces the feelings of the main character, feelings of worry, and stress as the seasons progress without success.