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(1 edit)

The game itself is 32-bit and only requires a very old OS (Windows XP SP2) or higher. Did you download the game through the app?

Windows 7 Ultimate should be way more than enough to run the game.

I've tried to download through the app and that is their answer. Well idk, I see game is now on Steam and for less than dollar so...I'll support developer a bit. :)
Is that the same version as this one here?

Yes, the Steam release is exactly the same as the one, with the exception that you can also have trading cards, which can compensate the game's price a bit. And thanks, I'm glad you have interests in the game!

Ok, thanks!
Well I love indie titles and unusual pause of Dark Souls and alike. :)

Hey, this is odd! Yesterday when I was on app there was only Download button, not Buy option, so it seems to me that game is actually free here. But now there is buy option and price is 0.99$. That explains a lot, that answer I've got yesterday...
So this is all issue on client side I guess.