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You were hanging out in your castle when the sirens started blaring. Shit. He must be back AGAIN-Varian, his former knight now a dastardly sorcerer-he wondered when he'd ever give up-IF he'd ever give up-and yet...he sort of hoped he never would....

He grabbed his blade that was hanging on the wall and rushed to where he usually came from, his hair waving from side to side as he runs...while it would be annoying at this felt odd to him...strange...

Varian was strolling up, sword strapped to his back and green flames forming in his hands as he gave his signature, cocky, sideways grin-the one that always managed to make you feel a bit week in the knees, smug as he was- 

"Hey there Princey, didya miss me?" 

"Oh no, i was just dying to see you again.."

He drew his sword as he got in da fighting stance or whatever, he diddd felt a  little intimidated but he still stood there

"Oh were you sweet-" 

He drew his sword, bathing it in the same green flames that had encased his hands as he got into a fighting stance as well 

"You even used accurate phrasing!" 

He grinned wickedly as he charged him, sword aimed straight for his chest 

He angled his blade in such a way when his blade made contact, it slipped itself towards the ground, in a swift motion he struck his sword at him

"Don't toy with me now...I am the one who taught you what you know~!"

"Nh-funny how the student surpasses the master~" 

He smirked as he grabbed the handle of the prince's sword, heating it up with his flames and causing it to burn his hand, making him drop it as he quickly picked up his own sword

"You-! Gah...H-Heh, well played, but im not going out just like that..."

He rose his hands and grabbed his shoulders, raising his knee and strikes it against his stomach


He doubled over, surprised by it 

He quickly kicked him over onto his back, then gets ontop of him, pinning his arms beside his head 

"H-Hehe! Didn't expect that?"