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I really liked the game! It has a very Autumn and wholesome feeling art style and was fun!
Moving around the pumpkin to place plants and collect coins was a really nice mix. I didn't get bored because I was collecting coins and by the time I got bored of that I was placing new plants.

The audio is also quite nice with a nice bop to play too. The only issue I ran into was the game froze  right here on round 13:


Hey! Are you sure that the game froze and is not paused? Because in the top right corner there is a play/pause button and it looks like the game is paused. If you click after a round has ended, it will start the round and it becomes a pause button. If you click it before round ends, it pauses the game and changes its icon to play button (as it is in the screen shot). 

If I accidently paused the game and didn't finish I'm actually going to be mad at myself...
Thank you for the clarification my tired brain needed.