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The game seems to have a lot of attention to the backgrounds and land portions. The details and business makes it seem like a barrier for the player to keep them on the river. The land is made up of several tiles to create trees and other vegetation. Many tiles are used in combination to create a large amount of plants and to represent their size. Meanwhile, the river seems more open due to the dark green. Some tiles are animated with subtle waves to convey the river illustration to the player. Interactable tiles are colored differently to make it more apparent to the player that it is something that the player can talk to or pick up. These tiles also contrast with the water through color and animation to imply that they are above or partially above water. When the buoys disappear, the player has to rely on something else to guide them. Two of the wave tiles are subtly different from the other tiles which helps convey a new guide for the player to follow. In the last room, the player is guided to land by a row of tiles that look like the shore. The line of shore tiles has one tile that is above the other tiles. This creates a hole that guides that player back onto land to the next piece of dialog. The designer does not seem to be fighting with bitsy since it does not seem like there is anything unusual and the gameplay felt natural for the story it was telling.