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(One dayyy you will :) (anddddddddd you areeeeeeee so you get a awee)

She opened the door and walked in, slumping little as she turned around and closed the door, locking it, as she walked upstairs tiredly.

(HmPh, I wAnT iT tO bE nOw u^U), (Argh, alright fineeee, dank you -///-)

"Hmm? Oh, welcome back...Love, hey, are you okay?"

(Lmaoo-soon hun, soon!) (Ofc! :)

"Yea...Yea, I'm fine!"

she said as she huffed, after she got up stairs she walked into her room, setting everything down as she plopped on her bed, breathing heavily.

"God..I'm so tired.."

(Huh, did you re follow me? o-o),(Hmph, better be soon >:<)

He was entirely convinced, but he had to finish dinner so he decided he would check on her after he was done

(Yea, I accidentally clicked on your profile then I pressed the wrong thing so I accidentally pressed the wrong thing but yep-) (and it will, I hope-unless you wanna go to the same college lmaoo also ik about to shower)

She then got up, and startrd taking her shoes off, after that she did her bra that was killing her.

(1 edit)

(Lmaooo, i would sooo go to the same college with youuu! and alrighty, i actually did that once so no worries lol)

He set his plate and bowl down and started walking upstairs, being a little worried

(Oh-fr?- like dead ass you will?)


She then started taking off her clothes, trying to get comfortable.

(Ofcccc! I really would like to see you face to face, plus what would be the harm?)

He knocked on the door, speaking in a soft-ish tone

"Hey Love....Are you sure your alright? You seem kinda...tired earlier"

(😳😳😳😳-nothing..I guess-you do know that you'll be there before me right?

"Yea..I'm a bit tired, i'm gonna come out to eat in a sec..let me get my clothes on first.."

She said, as she started putting her shirt on.

(Mhm, i know that...but that's alright! Idm waiting just a little longer to meet you...)

He let out a sigh of relief, smiling a tad bit

"H-Heh, alright...just talk to me if something is wrong, alright?"