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The smaller one floated away from the others, getting closer to the shore as the sun started to sink below the treeline 

"D-Dang's already night...i was hoping i could find some place suitable...but...maybe i can stay here?"

The sun fully set as the swan climbed onto the shore-and tranformed. 

At the sudden change, and fell back and crawled backwards a little, surprised at what he just saw

"W-W-What the-!?"

She sighed and brushed off her dress, turning around towards the lake. She smiled at the other swans swimming away and waved to them 

"Bye guys!!"        

He did ask questions, he just unclipped his Handgun and pointed it at her, not knowing whether or not if she was a threat or he did not place his finger on the trigger...nor did he fire it instally...that would've sound better if i said it the other way around o-o

Her face fell as they went out of view. She fell to the ground and started crying quietly 

"I-I can't-I can't-keep doing this...-I-I can't stay  like this!-"

His face fell from being filled with a look of confusion, he lowered his weapon as he spoke his first words

"M-Miss...are y-y-you alright?"


She jumped, startled 


She fell back into the water with a splash  

He quickly got up and ran to the edge, crouching down as he reached his hand out
