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what new feature would you like to add to the game?

(8 edits)

since it is hard in general for gamers to get the billion in normal mode with enemies killing at 1,000 points each let's give each enemy to kill a different point value. like make the yellow ones 1,000 points a kill each. the green ones 5,000 points a kill each. the orange ones 10,000 points a kill each. the red ones 20,000 points a kill each. the blue ones 30,000 points a kill each. the purple ones 40,000 points a kill each. and the black ones 50,000 points a kill each. let's have the level change each time you kill 10 enemies at a time. so when you kill 10 enemies level 1 changes to level 2 and so on until you get the billion points. and let's add things like a shield, weaponspread, and a bomb that you can use each for two minutes. like the first 5 minutes of game is laser fire and then you use a shield for 2 minutes and then for next 5 minutes it is just laser fire and if you are still alive then your laser fire changes into a weaponspread for 2 minutes and for next five minutes after that it is just regular laser fire and then if you are still alive you get to use a bomb for 2 minutes and then for next five minutes after that it goes back to laser fire and then repeats with shield and repeats like that with all 3 special things until you reach the billion points in normal mode. and i have 10 new copyright free songs that i'd like added to the game. if you can make these changes here on itchio Laser Rage and i'd like it in a windows 64 bit file to play and download on my computer too.