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Out of all the games on this site I've had the chance to play so far, Once in a Lifetime was spectacularly fun and sexy. I had a blast with the decision making and the utter screw-ups on my part here and there that just made replaying various chapters all the more enjoyable and rewarding. One thing i especially soaked up was the comedy aspect. I'm go mad for anything with decent comedy and satire in it, and that hallucination scene where Batman, Joker, and all kinds of different characters break the game's fourth wall was freaking hilarious.

I can also pride myself on saying that I only looked at the walkthrough when my back was really against the wall. Seriously... getting those H-scenes with Jasmine took some intense pre-requisite decisions I didn't anticipate. Bloody nice work, mate.

As for your adaptation of demonology, well done. You have no idea how many people flounder at storytelling when it comes to the whole cultist shtick.

I look forward to any future projects you might release. Until then, stay safe and take care, man.



Thank you so much for your comment Kitsch!! 😍