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gotchhaaaaaaaaaaaa-that's totally fair!


ok I'm back



(1 edit)

you good overlord?

sorry for spaming you i don't like spaming ppl-

sorry I had to go do something-I'm back! 


and rip


anyways, I have-some ideasssssss-


do tell

otay ahem ahem ahem- 

The year is 2059, and the world has devolved into chaos. A horrible virus has descended on humanity, eating the hosts from the inside out and transforming them into lifeless husks with only one objective: to kill anyone in their way. In the midst of all this terror, a strange occurrence began to develop: children were born with unusual gifts and powers-mutants. These children were highly sought after and coveted by government laboratories, paying their parents handsome sums for the babies. Experiments were run on these children, consistently testing the limits of their abilities and how they could benefit the world. In laboratory 126-B, 13 children are placed in stasis, brought into simulations that test them while also giving them a fantastical realm to play in, free from the burdens of humanity. The children grow and age in real life AND the simulation, never realizing that their consciousness and their bodies are in two completely separate places. In the midst of this simulation, two children begin to realize that perhaps their world isn't all that it seems.....

