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dye want me to start?

yes please!


Its Saturday, 8:21 am. Bakugou was going to a coffee shop to get some coffee.

Kai was going into the coffee shop as well, pulling her jacket a bit closer to themselves. 

It was snowing, December 21st. Bakugou then opened the door, and went inside. 

Kai went inside behind him, sighing and rubbing their hands together before shoving them in their pockets    

Bakugou was wearing a sweater, and sweatpants. Nothing special- he ordered his coffee, blah blah blah- 

Kai heard his voice and instantly perked up, eyes going wide. She tapped his shoulder frantically 


He looked over his shoulder.

She started signing to him-like using sign language in case you didn't realize. Whenever I put dialogue for them, just assume they're using sign language. 

"Can you understand sign language?"